FBI Endorses 2024 Presidential Candidate?

Photo by David Everett Strickler on Unsplash

FBI’s Former Director Comey, a critic of former President Donald Trump was asked during an interview with Jen Psaki on MSNBC, who is Biden’s former WH press secretary, what his thoughts on the 2024 presidential race were.

In response, Comey said that Biden has to win and that he was glad to see that he was looking to serve a second term. He added that the person who wins the race needs to be “committed to the rule of law” and American values. He proceeded to say that while people can disagree on matters of policy, those two things are things that everyone should be in agreement about. He added that whoever is president needed to abide by the law and the constitution which meant that there was no one other than Biden for that position.

Comey had been a longtime Republican, before voting for Biden in 2020. In a previous interview, Comey who was fired by Trump in 2017 previously claimed that if Trump were to return to the White House it would turn into “four years of a retribution presidency,” adding that he would prosecute all those he considered enemies.

He added that as the President oversees the entire executive branch, he would be able to completely commission and direct which individuals should be prosecuted. He noted that as the United States Marshals Service is also under the President’s control he could direct them to not enforce Supreme Court orders that he disagrees with. He proceeded to call Trump a “rogue president” who would have great “power to destroy.”