Senate Announces Major Change To Funding Policy

Photo by Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

( – Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee stated that the upper chamber is planning to increase its full-year funding bills for the 2025 fiscal year, while negotiators have not yet managed to reach a bipartisan deal on overall spending. 

On Tuesday, Murray stated that she was planning to have the first markup the week after the Fourth of July recess. During her speech on the floor, she noted that she was looking forward to collaborating with her colleagues in order to “meet this moment.” 

The House has already started to ramp up the 2025 fiscal year annual appropriations work as they are hoping to pass all 12 funding bills before the recess in August. The Republican-backed bills are completely packed with partisan riders which has resulted in a lot of attacks from Democrats who are slamming the measures. The Democrats have also argued that the bills have been written at funding levels that would undercut the White House and Republican leadership bipartisan deal from last year. That deal allowed them to increase the spending and debt limits. 

On Tuesday Murray took to the House floor and slammed the agreed-to limits of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA), this is an important aspect of the previous debt limit deal which is focused on the importance of parity in bringing up funding for non-defense and defense programs. 

She proceeded to say that the Appropriations Committee has had around 40 hearings that are all focused on resources that will be needed in the upcoming fiscal year. She added that they have focused the negotiations on what the United States required in order to remain competitive and strong.

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